metatag-og:title=(Veille bibliographique gériatrique sur le vieillissement.)
metatag-description=(Veille bibliographique gériatrique sur le vieillissement.)
====== Vieillissement ======
* Informations
* Études qui concernent les changements progressifs et irréversibles, qui se produisent à la suite du passage du temps, dans la structure et la fonction d'un organisme.
* {{fa>external-link?fw}}[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68000375|Mot clé MeSH : Aging]]
* {{fa>external-link?fw}}[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/2023156|Mot clé MeSH : Healthy Aging]]
* {{fa>external-link?fw}}[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D011788|Mot clé MeSH : Quality of Life]]
* {{fa>external-link?fw}}[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68000368|Mot clé MeSH : Aged]]
* {{fa>external-link?fw}}[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68000369|Mot clé MeSH : Aged, 80 and over]]
* Phrase de recherche :\\ (("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH])))
* **Prête à l'emploi**
===== Relectures disponibles =====
{{topic>Vieillissement +Finalisé&list&nodate}}
===== Liste d'articles proposés à relecture =====
{{topic>Vieillissement +Proposé_à_relecture&nodate&list}}
===== Liens vers des articles d'intérêt =====
* Méta-analyses et Revues Systématiques (liens externes)
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2020|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2020/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2020/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.meta-analysis|filter=pubt.systematicreview|format=abstract}}
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2019|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2019/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2019/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.meta-analysis|filter=pubt.systematicreview|format=abstract}}
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2018|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2018/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2018/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.meta-analysis|filter=pubt.systematicreview|format=abstract}}
* Essais contrôlés randomisés (liens externes)
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2020|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2020/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2020/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.randomizedcontrolledtrial|format=abstract}}
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2019|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2019/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2019/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.randomizedcontrolledtrial|format=abstract}}
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2018|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2018/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2018/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.randomizedcontrolledtrial|format=abstract}}
* Essais cliniques (liens externes)
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2020|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2020/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2020/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.clinicaltrial|format=abstract}}
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2019|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2019/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2019/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.clinicaltrial|format=abstract}}
* {{pmid>search:#Année 2018|(("Aging"[MeSH] OR "Healthy Aging"[MeSH]) OR ("Quality of life" AND ("Aged"[MeSH] OR "Aged, 80 and over"[MeSH]))) AND ("2018/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "2018/12/31"[Date - Publication])|size=10|sort=pubdate|filter=pubt.clinicaltrial|format=abstract}}