[Quality of life after a social-physical activity community intervention in elderly people with social risk. Clinical trial]. López-Téllez A, et al, Semergen 2022.

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Résumé et points clés

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a social-physical activity program to improve the health-related quality of life of patients over 65years old with social risk.

Material and methods: Randomized clinical trial.

Setting: Community; primary care and public schools.

Subjects: patients over 65years old with social risk, who went to the health center during the study period and met the inclusion criteria, n=102. INTERVENTIONS: Subjects were randomized into two groups. The intervention group conducted two weekly sessions of 1hour of physical exercise, for 4months; monthly sessions on healthy habits and three days of social activities. The control group received the usual advice. Quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire; previously and at the end of the program.

Results: The study was completed by 80 subjects (mean age 71.5±5 years; 91.3% women). Baseline, there were no significant differences between groups, and their standardized physical and mental summary components of the SF-36 were below the population reference values (P<.01). After the program, the intervention group improved significantly, compared to the control group, in the 8 scales of the SF-36 and in the summary components, with a greater increase of 4points (P<.01) in the physical component, and 10 points in the mental component (p<0.01).

Conclusions: The community program of social-physical activity intervention improves the health-related quality of life in older people at social risk.

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