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Résumé et points clés
Background and objectives: Person-centered care is the gold standard of care for people living with dementia, yet few systematic reviews have detailed how it is delivered in practice. This mixed-methods review aimed to examine the delivery of person-centered care, and its effectiveness, for people living with dementia in residential aged care.
Research design and methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eligible studies were identified across 4 databases. Quantitative and qualitative studies containing data on person-centered care delivered to people with dementia living in residential aged care were included. Meta-analysis using a random-effects model was conducted where more than 3 studies measured the same outcome. A narrative meta-synthesis approach was undertaken to categorize verbatim participant quotes into representative themes. Risk of bias was undertaken using quality appraisal tools from the Joanna Briggs Institute.
Results: 41 studies were identified for inclusion. There were 34 person-centered care initiatives delivered, targeting 14 person-centered care outcomes. 3 outcomes could be pooled. Meta-analyses demonstrated no reduction in agitation (standardized mean difference -0.27, 95% confidence interval [CI], -0.58, 0.03), improvement in quality of life (standardized mean difference -0.63, 95% CI: -1.95, 0.70), or reduced neuropsychiatric symptoms (mean difference -1.06, 95% CI: -2.16, 0.05). Narrative meta-synthesis revealed barriers (e.g., time constraints) and enablers (e.g., staff collaboration) to providing person-centered care from a staff perspective.
Discussion and implications: The effectiveness of person-centered care initiatives delivered to people with dementia in residential aged care is conflicting. Further high-quality research over an extended time is required to identify how person-centered care can be best implemented to improve resident outcomes.
Références de l'article
- The Delivery of Person-Centered Care for People Living With Dementia in Residential Aged Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
- The Delivery of Person-Centered Care for People Living With Dementia in Residential Aged Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
- Berkovic D, Macrae A, Gulline H, Horsman P, Soh S, Skouteris H, Ayton D
- The Gerontologist
- 2024
- Gerontologist. 2024 May 1;64(5):gnad052. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnad052.
- Humans, *Patient-Centered Care, *Dementia/therapy, *Homes for the Aged, Aged, Nursing Homes, Quality of Life, Delivery of Health Care
- Vieillissement, Longévité, Soins, Neurocognitif, Soins_centrés_sur_la_personne, Qualité_de_vie, IDE, EHPAD, Résidences_sénior, Revue_systématique, Méta_analyse
- Liens
- Traduction automatique en Français sur Google Translate
- DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnad052
- PMID: 37144737
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