Effectiveness of the lay health advisor program on oral function and quality of life in aboriginal older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Cheng B, et al, J Oral Rehabil 2024.

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Résumé et points clés

Background: Aboriginal older adults residing in remote areas have poor oral function due to inadequate access to healthcare services. Lay health advisor (LHA) strategies can fill capacity shortages of healthcare professionals in rural communities and increase population acceptance of health care or healthy behaviours. OBJECTIVE(S): To evaluate the effectiveness the LHA program on oral function and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among older adults in aboriginal community.

Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG; n = 122) and a control group (CG; n = 118). All participants performed oral exercises, and the EG received additional one-on-one 30-min lessons by an LHA over 4 weeks. Data were collected through face-to-face interview and oral examination. The generalized estimating equation model was used to analyse changes in outcomes over time.

Results: The EG exhibited significantly greater improvement in swallowing (β = .63) at the 6-month follow-up and in masticatory performance (β = .52) and pronunciation of the syllable/pa/ (β = 2.65) at the 2-week follow-up than the CG did. The EG had a significantly lower plaque control record (β = -.14) and plaque index (β = -.30) at the 3-month follow-up than the CG did. Moreover, the OHRQoL was significantly increased at 6-months follow-up in the EG (p = .010).

Conclusion: The LHA program had positive effects on chewing, swallowing and plaque control in aboriginal older adults. LHA group also experienced positive long-term effect on OHRQoL after intervention.

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