The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Training on Cognitive, Social, and Physical Functioning in High-Functioning Older Adults (CoSoPhy FX): 2-Arm, Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Trial. Szczepocka E, et al, JMIR Res Protoc 2024.

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Résumé et points clés

Background: Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising technology for enhancing the health care of older individuals, particularly in the domains of cognition, physical activity, and social engagement. However, existing VR products and services have limited availability and affordability; hence, there is a need for a scientifically validated and personalized VR service to be used by older adults in their homes, which can improve their overall physical, cognitive, and social well-being.

Objective: The main purpose of the CoSoPhy FX (Cognitive, Social, and Physical Effects) study was to analyze the effects of a VR-based digital therapeutics app on the cognitive, social, and physical performance abilities of healthy (high-functioning) older adults. This paper presents the study protocol and the results from the recruitment phase.

Methods: A group of 188 healthy older adults aged 65-85 years, recruited at the Medical University of Lodz, Poland, were randomly allocated to the experimental group (VR dual-task training program) or to the control group (using a VR headset app showing nature videos). A total of 3 cognitive exercises were performed in various 360° nature environments delivered via a VR head-mounted display; the participants listened to their preferred music genre. Each patient received 3 sessions of 12 minutes per week for 12 weeks, totaling a minimum of 36 sessions per participant. Attention and working memory (Central Nervous System Vital Signs computerized cognitive battery) were used as primary outcomes, while other cognitive domains in the Central Nervous System Vital Signs battery, quality of life (World Health Organization-5 Well-Being Index), health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-5L), and anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder 7-item questionnaire) were the secondary outcomes. The group-by-time interaction was determined using linear mixed models with participants' individual slopes.

Results: In total, 122 (39%) of the initial 310 participants failed to meet the inclusion criteria, resulting in a recruitment rate of 61% (188/310). Among the participants, 68 successfully completed the intervention and 62 completed the control treatment. The data are currently being analyzed, and we plan to publish the results by the end of September 2024.

Conclusions: VR interventions have significant potential among healthy older individuals. VR can address various aspects of well-being by stimulating cognitive functions, promoting physical activity, and facilitating social interaction. However, challenges such as physical discomfort, technology acceptance, safety concerns, and cost must be considered when implementing them for older adults. Further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of VR-based interventions, optimal intervention designs, and the specific populations that would benefit most.

Trial registration: NCT05369897; INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/53261.

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