A feasibility, randomised controlled trial of Club Connect: a group-based healthy brain ageing cognitive training program for older adults with major depression within an older people's mental health service. Woolf C, et al, BMC Psychiatry 2024.

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Background: Using the RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) framework, we outline steps taken to implement an evidence-based cognitive training program, Club Connect, in older adults with major depressive disorder in an Older People's Mental Health Service in Sydney, Australia. The primary aim was to explore feasibility (or 'reach'), tolerability (or 'implementation'), and acceptability (or 'adoption'). The secondary aim was to explore the most sensitive clinical outcomes and measurement tools (i.e. 'effectiveness') to inform a formal randomised controlled trial, and to explore the healthcare resources used (i.e. costs) to assist decision-making by health care managers and policy-makers in relation to future resource allocation.

Methods: Using a single blinded feasibility design, 40 participants (mean age: 76.13 years, SD: 7.45, range: 65-95 years) were randomised to either (a) Club Connect, a 10-week group-based multifaceted program, comprising psychoeducation and computer-based cognitive training, or (b) a waitlist control group.

Results: Implementing group-based cognitive training within a clinical setting was feasible, well tolerated and accepted by participants. Further, cognitive training, in comparison to the waiting list control, was associated with moderate to very large effect size improvements in depression, stress and inhibition (ηp(2) = 0.115-0.209). We also found moderate effect size improvements on measures of daily functioning, wellbeing and cognitive flexibility. Small effect size improvements for other cognitive and psychosocial outcomes were also observed. The average cost per person participating in in the intervention was AU$607.50.

Conclusions: Our findings support the feasibility of implementing group-based cognitive training into a specialised clinical (public health) setting. This trial was registered on the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12619000195156, 12/02/2019).

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