[Frailty of the elderly and physical activity in general practice: A prospective study]. Zulfiqar A, et al, Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2020.
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Résumé et points clés
Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out in three general practice clinics located in the French department of Eure. Patients aged 65 and over were included during a consultation with their GP. Dependent patients under the ADL scale were excluded. Level of physical activity was assessed by the Ricci and Gagnon questionnaire, which defines an active profile as a score≥18 points. Frailty was sought out by the Fried scale and the SEGA A grid. Multivariate analysis was performed to adjust frailty scores to age, gender, and level of physical activity.
Results: Out of the 70 patients included, 36 were active (51%) and 34 inactive (49%). They were predominantly female with 47 women (67%). Average age was 75.3years. Twelve patients were diagnosed as frail (17%) with the Fried scale and 24 (34%) with the SEGA A grid. Bivariate analysis revealed a greater frailty according to the Fried criteria in the inactive than in the active patients (mean for active patients 0.56 IC95 [0.31; 0.80], compared to 1.76 [1.21; 2.32] in the inactive patients, p<0.0001). The difference in mean was likewise significant regarding the SEGA A score (6.42 IC95 [5.34, 7.49] in the active population, as opposed to 8.65 IC95 [7.15, 10.15] among the inactive, p=0.017). In multivariate analysis, the Fried scale was primarily influenced by age and ADL, while the SEGA score was impacted by female gender and level of physical activity.
Conclusion: Physical activity seems to have a positive effect on frailty. It would be interesting to propose systematic screening for frailty in general medicine and to institute preventive measures, including physical activity. Initiatives encouraging and promoting seniors' physical activity should be strengthened.
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