The Impact of COVID-19 Infection and Enforced Prolonged Social Isolation on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Older Adults With and Without Dementia: A Review. Manca R, et al, Front Psychiatry 2020.
- Proposé le : 16/12/2021 07:07:11
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Résumé et points clés
Methods: A search was conducted in PubMed and Web of Science to identify all relevant papers published up to the 7th July 2020. Two independent assessors screened and selected the papers suitable for inclusion. Additional suitable papers not detected by literature search were manually added.
Results: Fifteen articles were included: 8 focussed on the psychiatric symptoms caused by the COVID-19 infection and 7 investigated the impact of social isolation on older adults' neuropsychiatric symptoms. Four studies included older adults without dementia and 11 included patients with cognitive impairment mainly due to Alzheimer's disease. All studies found that different neuropsychiatric symptoms emerged and/or worsened in older adults with and without dementia. These changes were observed as the consequence of both COVID-19 infection and of the enforced prolonged conditions of social isolation. Cases were reported of viral infection manifesting with delirium at onset in the absence of other symptoms. Delirium, agitation and apathy were the symptoms most commonly detected, especially in people with dementia.
Conclusion: The available evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has a wide negative impact on the mental well-being of older adults with and without dementia. Viral infection and the consequent social isolation to limit its spreading have a range of neuropsychiatric consequences. Larger and more robustly designed studies are needed to clarify such effects and to assess the long-term implications for the mental health of older adults, and to test possible mitigating strategies.
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