Poor Appetite Is Associated with Six Month Mortality in Hospitalised Older Men and Women. Cox NJ, et al, J Nutr Health Aging 2020.
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Résumé et points clés
Design: Longitudinal observational study with six month follow up.
Setting: Acute hospital wards in a single large hospital in England.
Participants: Older inpatients aged over 70 years.
Measurements: Appetite was assessed using the Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ) during hospital stay. Deaths during six month follow-up period were recorded. Association between SNAQ score during hospital admission and death 6 months post-discharge was assessed using binary logistic regression in unadjusted and adjusted analysis.
Results: 296 participants (43% female, mean age 83 years (SD 6.9)) were included in this study. Prevalence of poor appetite (SNAQ score <14) was 41%. In unadjusted analysis a SNAQ score of <14 was associated with a 2.47 increase in odds of mortality at six months (or (95% ci 1.27,4.82)). this association remained after adjusting for number comorbidities (charlson index), length stay and gender 2.62 1.30, 5.27)). unadjusted continuous analysis, every one point decrease snaq score led to 1.20 fold 1.06-1.36)). adjusted analysis 1.22 1.07-1.39)).
Conclusion: Poor appetite is common in hospitalised older people. We have confirmed the association, previously reported in older women, between poor appetite during hospital stay and greater mortality at six months post-discharge but in a larger study including older men and women. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms of poor appetite, which lead to increased mortality.
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