Effects of balance training on cognitive function and activities of daily living in older adult patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Gholami M, et al, Ir J Med Sci 2024.

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Background: The potential of the effect of balance training on improving cognitive functions and functional activities in vulnerable groups, including the older adults with heart failure (HF), is unknown.

Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of a simple balance training supervised by nurses on cognitive functions and activities of daily living (ADLs) of the older adults with HF.

Methods: In this clinical trial study, 75 older adults with HF were allocated to two groups of balance training (BT) and usual care (UC) using stratified block randomization. The intervention consisted of a set of dynamic and static BT, 4 times/session per week, each session lasting 30 min, for 8 weeks, which was performed at the participant's home under the supervision of a nurse. For the control group, UC was provided. The outcomes of the study, including cognitive function, basic ADLs, and instrumental ADLs (IADLs), were measured by the Montreal cognitive assessment-basic (MoCA-B), Barthel index-ADL, and Lawton scale-IADL before and after the intervention.

Results: The between-group analysis showed, in two groups, a statistically significant difference between the changes in the mean scores: all subscales of cognitive function and MoCA-B total score (P < 0.001), as well as basic ADLs and IADLs (P < 0.001), before and after the intervention. Compared with the control group/UC, the cognitive function, basic ADL, and IADL of the intervention group/BT were improved significantly at 8 weeks.

Conclusion: The results suggested that home-based balance training led by nurse can improve global cognitive function and basic ADL and IADL in the older adults with HF.

Trial registration: Clinical trials registration number IRCT20150919024080N18.

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