Effectiveness of the lay health advisor program on oral function and quality of life in aboriginal older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Cheng B, et al, J Oral Rehabil 2024.
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Résumé et points clés
Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG; n = 122) and a control group (CG; n = 118). All participants performed oral exercises, and the EG received additional one-on-one 30-min lessons by an LHA over 4 weeks. Data were collected through face-to-face interview and oral examination. The generalized estimating equation model was used to analyse changes in outcomes over time.
Results: The EG exhibited significantly greater improvement in swallowing (β = .63) at the 6-month follow-up and in masticatory performance (β = .52) and pronunciation of the syllable/pa/ (β = 2.65) at the 2-week follow-up than the CG did. The EG had a significantly lower plaque control record (β = -.14) and plaque index (β = -.30) at the 3-month follow-up than the CG did. Moreover, the OHRQoL was significantly increased at 6-months follow-up in the EG (p = .010).
Conclusion: The LHA program had positive effects on chewing, swallowing and plaque control in aboriginal older adults. LHA group also experienced positive long-term effect on OHRQoL after intervention.
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