Impact of climate-induced floods and typhoons on geriatric disabling health among older Chinese and Filipinos: a cross-country systematic review. Balikuddembe JK, et al, BMC Geriatr 2024.
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Résumé et points clés
Methods: Four (4) electronic databases were systematically searched to identify eligible studies published between 2000 and early 2023. This process had to confirm the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA), as well as the standard protocol registered with PROSPERO (CRD42023420549).
Results: Out of 317 and 216 initial records retrieved for China and the Philippines, respectively, 27 (China) and 25 (Philippines) studies were eligible for final review. The disabling conditions they reported to affect the health of older adults were grouped into 4 categories: cognitive and intellectual, physical, chronic and terminal illnesses, and mental and psychological, with the latter identified as the most prevalent condition to affect older Chinese and Filipinos. On a sub-category level, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was the most common condition reported in 27 flood-related studies in China, while injuries and wounds prevailed in the Philippines, according to 25 typhoon-related studies.
Conclusion: The increasing occurrence of extreme climate hazards, especially floods and typhoons in China and the Philippines, respectively, impacted the health of their older adults with various disabling effects or conditions. Therefore, this calls for appropriate geriatric-informed interventions in the context of climate change and rapidly ageing settings beyond China and the Philippines to others that are also prone to floods and typhoons.
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