Incontinence-associated dermatitis in older adults in residential care settings: a point prevalence study. Wall B, et al, Br J Nurs 2024.
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Résumé et points clés
Aim: To identify, for the first time, the proportion of older adults in extended care settings in Ireland affected by IAD.
Design: Cross-sectional, multisite, point prevalence survey, across three community extended care settings for older people in Ireland.
Methods: Two clinical nurse specialists, using the Scottish Excoriation and Moisture Related Skin Damage Tool, identified the presence of IAD through clinical observation and visual skin inspection. IAD prevalence was calculated for the total population and incontinent population sets using percentages and confidence intervals (CI).
Results: The prevalence of incontinence was 86.4% (n=165), a significantly higher proportion were female (P=0.003). The point prevalence of IAD across the total population and incontinent population was 11.5% (22/191; 95% CI, 7.4-19.9%) and 13.3% (22/164; 95% CI, 8.5-19.5%), respectively. Being incontinent was associated with being female, more dependent (Barthel), having possible cognitive impairment, poorer mobility (Braden and Waterlow) and a high risk of pressure ulcers (Waterlow). A logistic regression analysis found no predictor variables for IAD among the variables that met the cut-off point for this analysis.
Conclusions: The study provides the first point prevalence empirical data on the occurrence of IAD in Ireland. It can inform decision-making on future planning and budgeting of new quality improvement projects and act as a benchmark for ongoing auditing of IAD.
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