Polygenic Risk Scores and Extreme Coronary Artery Calcium Phenotypes (CAC=0 and CAC≥1000) in Adults ≥75 Years Old: The ARIC Study. Dzaye O, et al, Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2024.
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Résumé et points clés
Methods: There were 1865 ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) participants who underwent genetic testing at visit 1 (1987-1989) and CAC scans at visit 7 (2018-2019). In the primary analysis, an externally derived multi-ancestry polygenic CHD risk score was calculated for both White and Black participants. Results were confirmed using a separate ARIC-derived polygenic CHD risk score, including ≥6 million variants computed for White participants. We used multivariable logistic regression models to assess the association of polygenic CHD risk with CAC, after adjusting for baseline, time-averaged lifestyle, traditional risk factors, and local ancestry principal components.
Results: In the primary analysis, the average age was 80.6 years old, 61.6% were women, and the median CAC score was 246 (189 participants with CAC=0, 364 participants with CAC≥1000). Compared with persons below the 20th percentile of polygenic CHD risk, persons with polygenic-CHD risk above the 80th percentile had 82% lower odds of having CAC=0 (odds ratio, 0.18 [95% CI, 0.09-0.37]) and had >4-fold higher odds of CAC≥1000 (odds ratio, 4.77 [95% CI, 2.88-7.88]). On a continuous scale, each SD increment increase in the polygenic risk score was associated with a 78% higher CAC score. Results were nearly identical using a second confirmatory polygenic CHD risk score in White participants.
Conclusions: Polygenic CHD risk is robustly associated with a lower prevalence of CAC=0 and a higher prevalence of CAC≥1000 in adults ≥75 years of age, beyond lifestyle and traditional risk factors. These results suggest a heritable contribution to distinct healthy and unhealthy arterial aging phenotypes that persist throughout the life course.
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